Committee 2024-2025
Chair & Sexton Jason Midgley 021 565 111 General enquiries, Graves, Burials, Funerals, Ash Memorial Wall, Plaques, Gravediggers,
Permission for upgrading headstones
Secretary & Treasurer Angela Laurenson 021 060 1411Website, Facebook, Financials, Donations, Membership, History, Newsletters Weddings & Bookings Co-ordinator Leanne Midgley 021 688 164 Weddings and Venue enquiries and bookings, and viewings of the Church building Committee MembersDarren Midgley 029 234 3705Stuart Ogilvie Kohl Midgley 021 156 4666 also Sexton role
Secretary & Treasurer Angela Laurenson 021 060 1411Website, Facebook, Financials, Donations, Membership, History, Newsletters Weddings & Bookings Co-ordinator Leanne Midgley 021 688 164 Weddings and Venue enquiries and bookings, and viewings of the Church building Committee MembersDarren Midgley 029 234 3705Stuart Ogilvie Kohl Midgley 021 156 4666 also Sexton role
Preservation Society Committee with Cameron Brewer MP.
Left to Right: Darren Midgley, Angela Laurenson, Stuart Ogilvie, Jason Midgley, Cameron Brewer MP, Kohl Midgley. Absent: Leanne Midgley
Darren Midgley is 4th generation Midgley family to attend Hobsonville School.Angela Laurenson is 4th generation & Stuart Ogilvie 5th generation Ockleston family to attend Hobsonville School.Jason and Leanne Midgley's children are 5th generation Midgley family to attend Hobsonville School.
Jason Midgley 021 565 111
Kohl Midgley 021 156 4666
Graves, Burials, Funerals, Ash Memorial Wall, Plaques, Gravediggers,
Permission for upgrading headstones
Contact Us
Get In Touch With Us: Link hereOur Email: hobsonvillesettlerschurch@gmail.comAll postal mail to: 32 Ranui Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050Church Key return to: 32 Ranui Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050*Note our 1 Scott Road address does not have a mailbox
Lawyer: Alec Steel, Barrister, Chancery Street Chambers, Auckland CBD
Lawyer: Bruce Wyber (related to Laurenson/Ockleston) Managing Partner, Sellars Law
Helensville | Warkworth | Wellsford | Mangawhai
Arborists: David Thomas, Oakwood Treecare and Consultancy Ltd link
Electrician: Tristan at Esquire Electrical link
Lawnmower, weed spraying: James Watson, Express Lawnmowing
Locksmith: Ronald at Armstrong Smarter Security - Avondale
Building wash, window cleaning: Simon Kennedy, Simply Window Cleaning link
Fire monitoring: ADT Security link
Fire sprinkler system maintenance: Life Safety Services link
- The Church building and graveyard are maintained by volunteers, descendants of the early Hobsonville settler families, the grounds are lovingly cared for, and remains an active burial ground.
- We are passionate about preserving, maintaining and protecting our heritage 1875 Church building and graveyard as an historic district amenity for our community.
- Many of us have 5, 6 or 7 generations of family buried in the graveyard, and looked after this building and graveyard for 150 years.
- Most of us are related in some way.
- The Church was established as a Protestant Trust, by Deed of Gift dated 4 December 1877, with the first five Hobsonville settlers as trustees: Joshua Carder (1816-1895), R O Clark Jnr (1854-1905), Joshua Ockleston (1836-1896), Thomas Scott (1827-1892) and William Sinton (1837-1880).
- The Trustees are buried in the graveyard, along with members of other Hobsonville settler families, including Anderson, Boyd, Bridgford, Midgley, Williams and Wiseley.
- The Hobsonville Settlers Church and Cemetery is in the Trusteeship of The Hobsonville Church and Settlers' Cemetery Preservation Society Incorporated.
- Our Charitable Purpose includes:
- - To undertake trusteeship of the settlers’ cemetery and church property at 1 Scott Road, Hobsonville, in compliance with the trustees' guidelines of the 1877 deed of gift and current legislation
- - To preserve, operate, administer, maintain and improve the settlers' cemetery and church property as an historic district amenity
- - To recognise the historic significance of the cemetery and the settlers' families buried therein by ensuring that to the greatest extent possible descendants of those families be accorded pre-emptive burial rights
- Incorporated Society and Registered Charity number: CC43897
- NZBN number: 9429042935254
- The Society carries out the terms and in particular the trusts of the Deed of Conveyance dated 4 December 1877.
- A Committee is elected/re-elected at the AGM to govern the Incorporated Society.
- Here is the link to the Society Rules 2009.
- Our new draft Constitution, currently being legal reviewed September 2024 link
- We file an Annual Return with Charities Services / Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai.
- Our financial year is 30 June to 1 July.
- Our Performance Reports:
- Financial Year 30 June 2024 link
- Financial Year 30 June 2023 link
- Financial Year 30 June 2022 link
Annual General Meeting 2024/2025
TBC August or September 2025, 10.00am on a Saturday at 1 Scott Road, Hobsonville.
Documents will be provided to Preservation Society Members before the meeting:
1. Agenda
2. Please email Apologies to us here
2. Minutes of AGM Saturday 21 September 2024 link
3. Performance Report for year ended 30 June 2025
Tea and Coffee, biscuits provided.
Newsletters: In addition to our Facebook posts, we from time to time email an update Newsletter to Society Members, family, friends, and supporters on our email distribution list.
If you would like to also receive a copy by email please get in touch with us.
May 2024 Newsletter link here.
December 2022 Newsletter link here.
July 2022 Newsletter link here.
December 2021 Newsletter link here.
Bank Account: ASB 12-3039-0107909-00
Reference: Your Name, Membership or Donation
Bank Acount Name: Hobsonville Church & Settlers Cemetery Preservation Society Inc
Note membership fees cover the period 1 July – 30 June
Adult Membership $10.00 per yearSenior Membership $5.00 per yearLife Membership $200
You are most welcome to join the Society with membership open to any person living within the Hobsonville district, or any descendant of Hobsonvlle settlers, or any relative of persons buried in the Hobsonvlle cemetery,
Donations towards the maintenance and upkeep of the Church building and graveyard are most gratefully received.
Donations can be claimed as a tax credit. For every dollar you donate, you get 33.33 cents back as a tax credit.
Past Committee
Angela Laurenson (Ockleston)
Geoff Ockleston
Kevin Farley
Bruce Anderson (1948-2023)
Secretary & Treasurer
Rachel Wyber (Laurenson/Ockleston)
Steven Apps (Anderson)
Bridget Brownrigg
Grace Griffin
Laurel North
Sue Robinson (Boyd)
Committee MemberArleen McCracken
Owen Freeman
Jenny Gutry (Ockleston)
Jean Harding (Midgley)Percy Midgley (1917-2008)
Desiree Morgan (Midgley)
Cedric Wiseley (1923-2012)
Judith Anderson
SextonBruce Anderson (1948-2023)Graeme Laurenson (Ockleston) (1938-2010)